Friday, February 17, 2006

Cheney fiasco

Ok, I might as well chime in, I think this needs more attention. :-) The only problem I had with it was Cheney delaying the inevitable. Now, my immediate reaction was that it was evil, the guy would die and the situation would be swept under the rug. Nice perception I have of our Veep, huh.
It turns out, this accident just highlighted Vice's total disdain for the public. It also created the perception of impropriety. I think there is more to the story. I think maybe Dick was drunk or tipsy, that was why no one knew until later Sunday after Tricky Dick sobered up. Sure Dick, you wanted to make sure info was correct...and not slurred. Maybe? I thought Bush was the stupid one? This country is in a lot more trouble than I thought.
Heed my words. If W. and Dick could get away with it, we would not have an election for a very long time, if ever. The war on tare has to be won. (and they can't leave any profits on the table. After all, you can never have to much money. You never know if you might shoot someone else.)

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