Friday, April 07, 2006

The Curtain is Open, Go On In

by Max Lucado

“And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his
spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two
from top to bottom” (Matt. 27:50-51 NIV).

It’s as if the hands of heaven had been gripping the veil, waiting
for this moment. Keep in mind the size of the curtain—sixty feet
tall and thirty feet wide. One instant it was whole; the next it was
ripped in two from top to bottom. No delay. No hesitation.

What did the torn curtain mean? For the Jews it meant no more
barrier between them and the Holy of Holies. No more priests to go
between them and God. No more animal sacrifices to atone for their

And for us? What did the torn curtain signify for us?

We are welcome to enter into God’s presence—any day, any time. God
has removed the barrier that separates us from him. The barrier of
sin? Down. He has removed the curtain.

But we have the tendency to put the barrier back up. Though there is
no curtain in a temple, there is a curtain in the heart. Our guilty
conscience becomes a curtain that separates us from God.

As a result we hide from our Master.

That’s exactly what my dog, Salty, does. He knows he isn’t supposed
to get into the trash. But let the house be human free, and the dark
side of Salty takes over. If there is food in a trash can, the
temptation is too great. He will find it and feast.

That’s what he had done the other day. When I came home, he was
nowhere to be found. I saw the toppled trash, but I didn’t see
Salty. At first I got mad, but I got over it. If I was cooped up
all day with only dog food to eat, I might rummage a bit myself. I
cleaned up the mess and went about the day and forgot about it.

Salty didn’t. He kept his distance. When I finally saw him, his
tail was between his legs, and his ears were drooping. Then I
realized, “He thinks I’m mad at him. He doesn’t know I’ve already
dealt with his mistake.”

May I state the obvious application? God isn’t angry with you. He
has already dealt with your mistake.

Somewhere, sometime, somehow you got tangled up in garbage, and
you’ve been avoiding God. You’ve allowed a veil of guilt to come
between you and your Father. You wonder if you could ever feel close
to God again. The message of the torn flesh is you can. God
welcomes you. God is not avoiding you. God is not resisting you.
The curtain is down, the door is open, and God invites you in.

Don’t trust your conscience. Trust the cross. The blood has been
spilt and the veil has been split. You are welcome in God’s presence.
From Next Door Savior
Copyright 2000, Max Lucado

Many of you have let us know how much you have enjoyed the online
presentation of He Chose the Nails. As Easter approaches, please
pass on this video to friends, family, churches and whomever else you
think might find it encouraging:

Looking for a story to inspire you in the coming Holy Week before
Easter? Download a free MP3 sermon, "The Perfect Story," originally
delivered by Max on Palm Sunday of 2005. Then revisit the following
web page next week for more free MP3 Easter sermons.

Take 7 minutes to focus on a continual acceptance of Christ's
sacrifice. Watch this video parable and consider the burdens God
desires you to give to Him.

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